August 7, 2023

How Technology is Revolutionizing Automated Trading of Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency trading itself entered the markets In such a fashion that commanded attention. For years, there was a clear line where individuals stood as far as supporting or not supporting cryptocurrency trading.

Now, just a short time later, cryptocurrency trading has attracted traders globally and continues to onboard new people daily. Technological advancement has also helped propel cryptocurrency trading during the initial years of emergence, making it even more effective.

Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, smart contracts, APIs – There’s so much development occurring daily In this space that the mere thought of where it could be even a year from now is astonishing.

This article will cover key ways automated cryptocurrency trading changes the trading landscape.

Being on the leading edge of a revolution

It’s new, innovative, and a chance to be an outlier and go against the herd of the crowd. The cryptocurrency sector attracts many users for this sole reason, and the trading niche within it is no different. You hear stories every day of influential executives leaving the traditional corporate world to pursue a career in crypto, and the same applies to traders leaving Wall Street to focus on cryptocurrency trading or even run their cryptocurrency hedge funds.

Many compare it to being early to invest in internet startup companies in the 90s but even more non-traditional than that. Anytime valid technology and the opportunity to invest combine, there will be pioneers who seek to forge the path for others to follow – and many have used cryptocurrency trading to do just that.

Most technology in this space is shared or is “open source,” meaning others can use it as a platform to build off. This has invited thousands (perhaps even tens of thousands) to add their creativity and customization to the underlying technology, which often improves it or brings forth ideas that can be implemented to improve it.

Over time, with enough minds working on one tool and continually developing and improving it, the outcome tends to push the space forward.

Leveling the Playing Field

The type of trading, tools, resources, individuals, and even professionals users have access to in the cryptocurrency trading space would never be possible to achieve in the traditional trading world for the ordinary person.

Technology (not only specific to the cryptocurrency sector) has cleared many doors and hurdles that, for the longest time, allowed only large firms and wall street funds to access them due to the amount of capital required or even just knowing the right people.

Now, traders can connect with traders from all walks of life and backgrounds from their computers or mobile devices. This includes trading cryptos that many traders use as auto trading if they are in groups that publish buy and or sell opportunities, also known as “signal groups.

It’s like having professional traders (sometimes even ex-wall Street traders) tell you when they think it is a great time to buy or sell.

What takes it to the next level is “copy trading,” or the ability to copy the trades of these traders. Thanks to technology, traders can set their bot to automatically place the same trades, in real-time, as other traders, copying their every move.

Enhanced Security

Advancements in technology have led to improved security measures in automated cryptocurrency trading. Encryption techniques protect user data and transaction information on trading platforms, reducing the risk of cyberattacks and hacking attempts. Hardware wallets and multi-factor authentication (MFA) add an extra layer of security to safeguard users’ digital assets.

Now more so than ever, as a society, we take cyber threats more seriously than ever. Thankfully, one of the pillars of cryptocurrency is security. With that said, users in this industry are constantly improving and enhancing security methods and going to great lengths. Some technology platforms pay strangers worldwide to test their platform for bugs and or errors and will reward them if they do so successfully.

Security is such a big focus in this space that it’s rare to find any company that does not emphasize it. While your everyday cryptocurrency investor may be security conscious, cryptocurrency traders tend to be even more aware as they actively deal with money movement at any given time on any given day.

They have been taught, so to speak, how to properly exercise caution while navigating around the space and what to look out for.

User Experience and Interface

The user experience of automated cryptocurrency trading has dramatically improved with intuitive interfaces and user-friendly platforms. Mechanical trading systems now offer seamless navigation, real-time market data, and comprehensive reporting, making it easier for traders to monitor their strategies and make informed decisions.

The complex trading terminals have been showcased on the big screen by Hollywood for decades, and that’s the narrative that has been placed on trading by the outside public, and they weren’t wrong until crypto changed that.

Sure, charts can still be chaotic if you are unfamiliar with what you are looking at. However, most platforms in this industry are simple yet engaging and easy to navigate.

If additional support is needed, that isn’t a problem, as most cryptocurrency companies are eager to provide support for their trading tools.

24/7 Market Coverage

Automated trading systems can operate 24/7, covering all time zones and market hours. This allows for continuous monitoring of the market and execution of trades, even when human traders are unavailable or asleep. As a result, traders can respond to market developments around the clock.

The underlying technology must be effective, reliable, efficient, and always functional to make this possible – and the markets have evolved to deliver that.

This is just one of the primary features that set automated cryptocurrency trading apart from trading in traditional markets.

Speed and Efficiency

Automated trading systems can execute trades at lightning speed, far surpassing the capabilities of human traders. These systems can instantly analyze market data, identify trends, and execute orders, allowing faster and more efficient trading.

Automated trading bots can be fed multiple sets of conditions or instructions, process them simultaneously, and choose the one to execute in milliseconds. As a result, traders can capitalize on time-sensitive opportunities and react to market movements promptly.

Automated trading has facilitated the rise of high-frequency trading (HFT) in the cryptocurrency market. HFT algorithms execute many orders within milliseconds, capitalizing on tiny price discrepancies and market inefficiencies. While HFT has garnered some controversy, it has contributed to increased liquidity and reduced bid-ask spreads in the crypto market.

The increase in HFT in the cryptocurrency sector may also be because many traders run multiple automated trading bots simultaneously – trading across numerous assets in their portfolios.

Suppose a trader is using commands to trade manually. In that case, other trading strategies, such as the “Arbitrage bot,” have streamlined another famous trading strategy used manually for decades.

Arbitrage is when traders buy an asset on one exchange for a low price and then instantly sell it on another exchange for a higher price. The difference in price lies in the order books, buy-sell pressure, and overall volume on each exchange. Traders scan this data against hundreds of exchanges which can take a decent amount of time, but an arbitrage bot does this in seconds.

Diversification and Risk Management

Automated trading allows for the simultaneous execution of multiple trading strategies and exposure to various cryptocurrencies and trading pairs. This diversification spreads risk across a broader portfolio and reduces reliance on a single asset or market. Additionally, automated systems can incorporate risk management protocols, such as stop-loss and take-profit orders, to protect capital and minimize potential losses.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Integration

The emergence of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols has opened up new opportunities for automated trading. Traders can leverage DeFi functionalities programmatically, accessing decentralized liquidity pools, yield farming, and financial instruments. Integrating DeFi capabilities into automated trading systems introduces new decentralized and non-custodial trading possibilities.

Some protocols also offer liquidity for exchanges providing traders with a liquid market to profit from.

A Bright Future

Automated cryptocurrency trading has transformed the trading landscape by providing speed, efficiency, objectivity, and scalability. The integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and decentralized finance has further expanded the capabilities of these systems, opening new avenues for innovation and opportunity.

While automated trading offers numerous advantages, traders must also remain vigilant about the risks and challenges of this approach. As technology continues to evolve, automated trading is expected to play an increasingly prominent role in the future of finance and the world of cryptocurrencies.