September 26, 2023

Introduction to Crypto Options Trading

The cryptocurrency market, once viewed as an experimental space, has witnessed exponential growth since Bitcoin’s inception in 2009. Initially dominated by spot trading, where one simply buys or sells a cryptocurrency, the market has matured to introduce advanced financial instruments. 

These include futures, which allow traders to buy or sell an asset at a future date, swaps, which are agreements to exchange assets, and options. Among these, options stand out as versatile tools. They empower traders to navigate the unpredictable waters of the crypto world, offering mechanisms to hedge against losses, speculate on price movements, or craft unique strategies tailored to market conditions.

Understanding Options in Depth

In the world of finance, an option is a binding contract that provides the buyer with the right, though not a compulsion, to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price. This set price is termed the “strike price.” When it comes to their value, options are intriguing. Their worth stems from two sources: intrinsic and extrinsic value. The intrinsic value is straightforward – it’s the immediate profit one would make if the option was exercised. On the other hand, extrinsic value is more intricate, influenced by factors like the time left for the option to expire and the anticipated volatility of the asset.

Diving into Types of Crypto Options

Call Options: Think of these as tickets to a potential profit party if the price of a cryptocurrency goes up. If you’re optimistic about a particular crypto’s future price, a call option lets you lock in a buying price today.

Put Options: These are the opposite of call options. If you foresee a dip in a cryptocurrency’s price, put options allow you to set a selling price now, potentially profiting from future declines.

The Mechanics of Crypto Options

Purchasing an option is akin to acquiring a ticket to a potential future transaction. The term “moneyness” is pivotal in understanding an option’s current status:

In the Money (ITM): This is when exercising the option would be profitable.

At the Money (ATM): Here, the asset’s current price and the strike price are identical.

Out of the Money (OTM): Exercising the option at this stage would result in a loss.

An essential aspect of options is their expiration date. Like perishable goods, options have a shelf life. Post their expiration, they lose their value. Depending on the option, the settlement can be in cash or the actual asset.

Benefits and Risks of Crypto Options Trading


One of the most significant advantages of options trading is leverage. With options, traders can control a larger position in the market with a relatively small amount of capital. This means that even minor price movements in the underlying cryptocurrency can result in substantial profits. However, it’s essential to remember that while leverage can amplify profits, it can also magnify losses.

Flexibility and Versatility:

Crypto options offer traders a plethora of strategies, from basic to advanced. Whether you’re looking to hedge your position, generate additional income, or speculate on price movements, options provide the tools to do so. This versatility allows traders to tailor their approach based on their risk tolerance, market outlook, and trading objectives.

Hedging Capabilities:

Options serve as an effective risk management tool. Traders can use options to hedge against potential adverse price movements in their crypto holdings. For instance, if a trader fears a downturn in Bitcoin’s price, they can purchase a put option to offset potential losses in their portfolio.

Defined Risk:

When you purchase an option, the maximum amount you can lose is the premium paid. This predefined risk allows traders to know upfront the potential downside, providing a level of security and peace of mind.

Potential for High Returns:

Given the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market, options can offer substantial profit opportunities. Traders can capitalize on both rising and falling markets, making it possible to profit in diverse market conditions.


Crypto options allow traders to diversify their portfolios. By trading options across various cryptocurrencies and employing different strategies, traders can spread risk and enhance the potential for returns.

Cost Efficiency:

Options can be more cost-effective than buying the underlying cryptocurrency outright. For instance, instead of purchasing Bitcoin, which might be capital-intensive, a trader can buy a call option if they believe the price will rise, potentially profiting from the price movement at a fraction of the cost.

Strategic Alternatives:

Options provide more strategic alternatives than traditional buy-and-hold investing. From covered calls to protective puts, from bull spreads to iron condors, the array of strategies available to options traders is vast and varied.

No Obligation to Buy or Sell:

One of the foundational benefits of options is that they grant the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying asset. This means that if a trade doesn’t go as anticipated, the trader can simply let the option expire, limiting the loss to the premium paid.

Enhanced Market Understanding

Engaging in crypto options trading often requires a deeper understanding of the market and its mechanisms. This can lead traders to become more informed and astute in their overall trading approach.


Volatility: The crypto market is a roller coaster. Its unpredictability can amplify losses in options trading.

Time Decay;

Complexity: The multifaceted nature of options demands a steep learning curve.

Key Terminology in Crypto Options Trading

Strike Price:

This is the agreed-upon price at which the underlying cryptocurrency can be bought or sold when the option is exercised. It’s a pivotal reference point in determining the profitability of an option.


Think of the premium as the price tag of the option. It’s the cost paid by the buyer to the seller to acquire the rights granted by the option.

Expiration Date:

Every option has a shelf life. The expiration date denotes the deadline by which the option must be exercised. Post this date, the option becomes void and loses its value.

Implied Volatility:

This is a metric that gauges the market’s expectation of how much the price of the underlying cryptocurrency might fluctuate in the future. A higher implied volatility often translates to a higher option premium, reflecting the increased risk.

Time Decay (Theta):

Options are time-sensitive instruments. Theta measures the rate at which an option’s value erodes as it inches closer to its expiration date.

The Greeks:

These are a set of risk measures that help traders understand the sensitivities of an option’s price to various factors:

Delta: Measures the option’s sensitivity to changes in the price of the underlying cryptocurrency.

Gamma: Gauges how much the Delta changes given a unit change in the underlying asset’s price.

Vega: Reflects the option’s sensitivity to changes in implied volatility.

Rho: Assesses the option’s sensitivity to changes in interest rates.

at the strike price. It’s typically acquired with the anticipation that the cryptocurrency’s price will fall.

How to Start Trading Crypto Options

Embarking on the crypto options journey is just that, a journey filled with many experiences and steps; and you can get started now!  First, select a trustworthy platform that offers crypto options. After setting up and funding your account, spend time exploring the platform. Understand the tools at your disposal, the types of charts available, and the various order types. Before diving in, ensure you’re well-versed with the option contract’s specifics.

Continuous Learning: The crypto realm is ever-evolving. Stay updated with market trends, new strategies, and emerging tools.

Journaling: Document your trades, reflect on your decisions, and learn from your mistakes and successes.

Risk Awareness: Always be cognizant of the risks. Never invest money you can’t afford to lose.

Diversification: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your capital across various strategies and assets.

Strategies for Crypto Options Trading

As you gain proficiency, you can explore a plethora of strategies tailored to your risk appetite and market outlook. Below, we’ll list some of the more popular strategies commonly used by traders – 

Covered Call:

Description: An investor holding a long position in a cryptocurrency can sell a call option on that cryptocurrency. This strategy allows the investor to earn a premium from the option sale, while still holding the underlying asset.

Purpose: Generate additional income from holding a cryptocurrency.

Risk: If the cryptocurrency price rises significantly, the investor may miss out on potential gains above the strike price.

Protective Put:

Description: An investor holding a cryptocurrency buys a put option to protect against potential price declines.

Purpose: Hedge against potential losses in the cryptocurrency’s value.

Risk: The cost of the put option reduces potential profits if the cryptocurrency price rises.


Description: An investor buys both a call and a put option on a cryptocurrency with the same strike price and expiration date.

Purpose: Profit from large price movements in either direction.

Risk: If the cryptocurrency price remains stable, both options may expire worthless, resulting in a loss of the premium paid.


Description: Similar to a straddle, but the call and put options have different strike prices. The call strike is higher than the current price, and the put strike is lower.

Purpose: Profit from significant price movements in either direction, but requires a larger move than a straddle.

Risk: If the cryptocurrency price remains within the range of the two strike prices, both options may expire worthless.

Bull Spread:

Description: An investor buys a call option and sells another call option with a higher strike price on the same cryptocurrency.

Purpose: Profit from a moderate rise in the cryptocurrency price.

Risk: Limited to the difference between the two strike prices minus the net premium received.

Bear Spread:

Description: An investor buys a put option and sells another put option with a lower strike price on the same cryptocurrency.

Purpose: Profit from a moderate decline in the cryptocurrency price.

Risk: Limited to the difference between the two strike prices minus the net premium received.

Iron Condor:

Description: A combination of a bull spread and a bear spread. An investor sells an out-of-the-money put and call while simultaneously buying a further out-of-the-money put and call.

Purpose: Profit when the cryptocurrency price remains within a specific range.

Risk: Limited to the difference between the strike prices of the options sold and bought.

Choosing The Best Option For You

Crypto options trading is unique as it offers immense opportunities and inherent risks. It’s a realm where knowledge is power. Equip yourself with the right tools, continuously educate yourself, and approach every trade with a well-thought-out strategy.

Taking the time to do your due diligence and research is key. Dive into everything options, watch and learn from others, their wins, their break-evens, and most importantly, their losses.

There are many successful cryptocurrency option traders and with enough patience, hard work, and dedication, you too can get it done in due time.