Easily copy experts trades.
Profit from any small price change. Automatically.
Buy low. Sell high. Automatically.
Trade on your terms. Automatically.
Trade like a pro, risk-free.
Test, refine, and deploy with confidence.
Create complex trades – easily.
Buy and Sell at the optimal moments.
Control your trades without limits.
Track performance across your exchanges.
Track your trades in one place.
Watch the markets and coins.
Auto trade creation from signals.
Prevent your signals being copied.
Manage all your users in one place.
Share your results – in real-time.
Crypto made simple
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Let your bot follow the market and trade for you when the time is right.
Cornix is an automated crypto trading platform that enables traders from all backgrounds and experience levels to succeed.
Enhance your trading with MACD and RSI, exploring calculations, interpretations, and practical tips for better results.
Automated cryptocurrency trading is reshaping the market landscape, leveraging technology such as AI, DeFi integration, and more.