September 11, 2023

Navigating TradingView for Expert Crypto Trading: An Insider’s Handbook

TradingView is a cornerstone for cryptocurrency trading, presenting robust instruments, instant data updates, and an engaging user community. Being able to perform thorough technical analysis is key for traders and they can only do so if they have the right tools supporting them.

TradingView provides those tools and much more; it’s one of the many reasons why so many traders rely on its platform. It’s vital to fully grasp the platform’s extensive features to tap into its potential. This guide is crafted to elevate you from a regular TradingView participant to an adept platform user.

TradingView is a widely recognized and highly regarded platform among traders and investors, with a vast user base spanning the globe. It offers state-of-the-art charting tools that allow market enthusiasts to engage, analyze data, and prepare for btcusdtethusd trading, and various other assets.

Cornix offers an Automated TradingView Bot. This allows our users to leverage one of their favorite social trade stations while using our cutting-edge technology. With this integration, it was only right that we did a deep dive into the Tradingview platform. 

1. Foundational Mastery:

Segmented Charts: TradingView’s design prioritizes adaptability. Its segmented charts feature is a prime example, enabling traders to observe various cryptocurrencies or distinct timeframes concurrently. This multi-faceted view provides a panoramic perspective of market dynamics.

Preserved Configurations: As you cultivate distinct analytical methods tailored to diverse crypto assets or market scenarios, TradingView facilitates the preservation of these configurations. This capability ensures swift transitions between varied layouts, optimizing your analytical workflow.

Illustration and Commentary: Comprehensive Drawing Arsenal: TradingView presents advanced illustrative tools beyond elementary trend lines. Among these, the Gann Box stands out for its predictive prowess concerning future price trajectories, the Pitchfork excels in demarcating channels, and the Brush tool is indispensable for emphasizing specific chart regions.

Commentary for Precision: During chart examinations, there may arise moments where you wish to pinpoint specific events or observations that could influence price movements. Commentary tools are pivotal, allowing you to inscribe these insights directly onto the chart.

Metrics and Formulation Techniques: Expansive Metrics Repository: TradingView is celebrated for its vast compendium of ready-to-use metrics. Among the crowd favorites are the MACD, a tool to discern alterations in trend strength, direction, and momentum; the Bollinger Bands, offering insights into potential market saturation conditions; and the Ichimoku Clouds, delivering a wealth of data in a single glance.

Pine Script Workshop: For those inclined to venture beyond the standard metrics, TradingView introduces the Pine Script workshop. This powerful tool grants traders the autonomy to craft or adapt custom metrics and strategies, ensuring their analytical tools resonate with their distinct requirements.

It’s crucial to note that platforms like TradingView are constantly evolving, frequently introducing new features and tools. Therefore, it’s beneficial for traders to periodically check for platform updates and acquaint themselves with fresh functionalities. This proactive approach guarantees they’re always harnessing the platform’s full potential in their trading pursuits.

Technical Analysis Widget: This widget allows users to see what the technical analysis says about a given symbol, providing display ratings for easy viewing. It can track all markets on TradingView. More info

Technical Analysis Indicators and Signals: TradingView provides a plethora of technical analysis indicators and tools that traders can use to evaluate securities and forecast their future movements. The analysis is based on statistics gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume. More info

Drawing Tools: TradingView offers annotation tools that allow users to add text notes directly to the chart, making technical analysis clearer. There are also tools for marking patterns, highs, and lows, and measuring distances between them

2. Advanced Charting Techniques:

Multi-Time Frame Analysis (MTFA): MTFA is a cornerstone technique for traders aiming to get a panoramic view of market movements. By employing this method, you can:

Macro View: Using more extended time frames like daily or weekly charts provides a broader perspective, helping identify overarching trends and significant support or resistance levels.

Micro View: Shorter time frames, such as 4-hour or 1-hour charts, offer insights into smaller market movements. These are invaluable for spotting short-term trading opportunities or potential retracements within a more significant trend.

Historical Data and Bar Replay:

TradingView’s bar replay is a powerful feature that allows traders to:

Volume Profile: This tool visualizes the amount of trading at specific price levels, highlighting areas of high activity.

By integrating these advanced charting techniques, traders can gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics, enhancing their decision-making processes. It’s worth noting that while these tools provide valuable insights, they should be used in conjunction with other analysis methods and up-to-date market information for the best results.

3. Community Collaboration and Insights:

Idea Sharing and Exploration: TradingView isn’t just a charting platform; it’s a thriving community of traders. The platform allows users to publish their analyses and trading hypotheses, fostering a collaborative environment. By sharing, you contribute to the community’s collective knowledge and receive feedback that can refine your strategies.

Interactive Chat Rooms: Engage in dynamic discussions within specialized chat rooms. These spaces are categorized by trading styles, assets, or even regions, ensuring you can connect with like-minded individuals. Exchanging real-time insights, tips, and market perspectives can be invaluable, especially during volatile market movements.

Follow and Learn from Experts: Identify top contributors on TradingView based on their reputation and track record. By following these seasoned traders, you can gain access to their analyses, learn from their strategies, and even interact with them through comments or direct messages.

Participate in Public and Private Webinars: TradingView often hosts webinars where experts discuss market trends, new tools, or advanced trading techniques. Joining these sessions can provide deeper insights and allow you to ask questions directly to seasoned professionals.

Community-driven Indicators and Scripts: Many community members develop custom indicators and scripts using Pine Script and share them on TradingView. Exploring these can introduce you to new analytical methods and tools you might not have encountered otherwise.

By actively participating in TradingView’s community features, traders can continually evolve their knowledge base, stay updated with market sentiments, and refine their strategies based on collective wisdom. It’s a blend of technology and human insight that makes TradingView a unique and invaluable tool for crypto traders.

4. Alerts and Notifications: Staying Ahead of Market Movements

Dynamic Conditional Alerts: TradingView’s alert system is not just about basic price thresholds. You can set up alerts based on many conditions, such as when a specific technical indicator, like the MACD line, intersects with its signal counterpart. This feature ensures you’re notified of significant market events tailored to your trading strategy.

Persistent Server-Side Notifications: One of the platform’s robust features is its server-side alerts. Unlike client-side alerts that require your device to be active, server-side notifications are always on, regardless of your device’s status. This is particularly beneficial for traders who can’t be glued to their screens around the clock. Even if your computer is off or you’re away from your trading desk, TradingView ensures you always take advantage of every crucial market movement.

Interactive Alert Configuration: The platform offers an intuitive interface to set up and manage alerts. With easy-to-use dropdown menus, sliders, and checkboxes, you can specify the exact conditions for your alerts, choose their frequency, and even decide how you want to be notified – via email, SMS, or pop-up.

Alert History and Management: Over time, as you set up multiple alerts, keeping track of them is essential. TradingView provides a comprehensive alert history, allowing you to review past alerts, understand which conditions triggered them, and make informed decisions about adjusting or removing specific alerts.

5. Direct Trading from Graphical Representations:

Brokerage Synergy: TradingView collaborates with select brokerage firms in its quest for seamless trading experiences. This integration empowers users to execute trades directly from the charts, bridging analysis and action.

Virtual Trading Environment: Before venturing into real-market trading, TradingView offers a simulated trading arena known as “paper trading.” This environment mirrors real market conditions but uses virtual funds, allowing users to test strategies and hone skills without financial risk.

Order Panel Efficacy: The platform’s order panel is a gem, facilitating trade placements directly from charts. It’s not just about entering or exiting a trade; users can set stop losses, take profits, and even use trailing stops. This feature, combined with real-time data, ensures traders can make informed, timely decisions.

Trade Performance Analysis: Post-trade, it’s vital to review and learn. TradingView’s ‘Trade Performance’ feature offers insights into your trades, helping identify what worked and areas of improvement.

Remember, while tools and features enhance trading, continuous learning and adapting to the ever-evolving crypto market dynamics remain key. TradingView, with its state-of-the-art features, serves as a robust ally in a trader’s journey.

6. Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

Engaging with Educational Content: TradingView is a platform for charting and trading and a hub for knowledge. They frequently host webinars and tutorials, giving users insights into new features, advanced techniques, and market trends. Engaging with these resources can significantly enhance your trading acumen.

Platform Updates: TradingView is known for its dynamic nature, with updates rolling out almost weekly. These updates can range from new tools and feature enhancements to improvements in existing functionalities. For instance, recent updates have introduced new data feeds from various exchanges, financial improvements, and more. Staying updated with these changes ensures you’re always equipped with the latest tools and features, allowing you to adapt your strategies accordingly.

Community Engagement: The TradingView community is a treasure trove of knowledge. Interacting with other traders, sharing insights, and learning from their experiences can provide you with a fresh perspective and new strategies to consider.

In the ever-evolving world of trading, continuous learning and adaptation are crucial. TradingView provides ample resources and updates to ensure its users stay ahead of the curve. You can ensure you’re continually trading at your best by actively engaging with these resources and the platform’s community.


TradingView can be a game-changer in your trading journey when used to its full potential. It’s not just about charts and indicators; it’s about continuous learning, community collaboration, and strategic execution. Dive deep, practice regularly, and always be open to feedback. Becoming a TradingView expert involves dedication, analysis, and adaptation.